Prayer Tool of Visioning and Visualization - Razor Blades and the Utility Knife
Prayer Tool of Visioning and Visualization - Razor Blades and the Utility Knife God communicates with us in various ways. Sometimes it’s in words, and other times it may be through pictures. A vision is a big picture. It is razor- sharp and cuts through the images of lack, limitation, or impossibility. A vision shows you what God can do with, thru, and as you. As a visionary, God may call you to gather other people together who connect with the vision and have a piece of the puzzle. “Without a vision, the people perish (Proverbs 28:19).” A vision keeps you alive and moving in the direction of your good and your Divine purpose. “Write the vision and make it plain upon the tables so that he that reads it can run with it (Habakkuk 2:1-4).” Like God told Habakkuk, the prophet, when you receive a vision, write it down. With a written vision, as challenges arise in the fulfillment of the vision, you can always go back to the original document...