
Showing posts from November, 2021

Prayer Tool of Visioning and Visualization - Razor Blades and the Utility Knife

Prayer Tool of Visioning and Visualization - Razor Blades and the Utility Knife God communicates with us in various ways. Sometimes it’s in words, and other times it may be through pictures. A vision is a big picture. It is razor- sharp and cuts through the images of lack, limitation, or impossibility. A vision shows you what God can do with, thru, and as you. As a visionary, God may call you to gather other people together who connect with the vision and have a piece of the puzzle. “Without a vision, the people perish (Proverbs 28:19).” A vision keeps you alive and moving in the direction of your good and your Divine purpose. “Write the vision and make it plain upon the tables so that he that reads it can run with it (Habakkuk 2:1-4).” Like God told Habakkuk, the prophet, when you receive a vision, write it down. With a written vision, as challenges arise in the fulfillment of the vision, you can always go back to the original document...

Way of thinking

Way of thinking “ But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falls (Luke 11:17).” Your mind is the thinking part of your soul. Like seeds sown in the ground, the thoughts that you hold in mind reproduce themselves in your health, finances, and relationships. You cannot stop ideas from coming to your mind, but you can decide how much energy you give to those ideas. Until you give an idea energy, it is simply a suggestion. You decide what suggestions to accept and what suggestions to reject. The suggestion does not become your thought until you accept and give it energy. The Bible says, “Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17).” Every thought is a prayer. What thoughts consume your attention the most? Ideas focused on separation, perceived differences with people rather than your similarities? The Kingdom Principle of Divine Nature ...

I and my Father are one.

I and my Father are one. “ That they all may be one; as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us (John 17:21).” Jesus realized his oneness with God and his oneness with good. He knew that there was no separation between God and him. He boldly declared, “I and my Father are one (John 10:30).” You have that same unity with God, and nothing can separate you from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:35-39). God abides in you, and you abide in God (John 15:7). You have full and complete access to all that God is and all the good that the universe has for you. Jesus prayed that his disciples recognize their oneness with God, good, and one another. The body is an image that describes your unity with all (Ephesians 4:4). Just as your physical body is one organism made up of many parts, the Body of Christ is people who are connected by the Holy Spirit. Although there are different gifts and different f...

Praying in the Name of Jesus

Praying in the Name of Jesus “ In that day you will ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you (John 16:23).” Praying in the name of Jesus is more than saying “ in the name of Jesus ” at the end of prayer (John 16:22-27). Pray with the understanding that when you pray in the name of Jesus that you pray in his authority and his power as if you were him. When you pray in the name of Jesus, you pray with the confidence and assurance that the Father will answer your prayer just as if you were Jesus Christ. You are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ Jesus (Romans 8:17). Imagine utilizing the name of Jesus as if you have a signed document giving you power of attorney. As a Kingdom citizen, you have the right to act on Jesus’s behalf on the earth since he is no longer here physically. You are his representative (II Corinthians 5:20). You have the power and aut...

Prayer Partners

Prayer Partners “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).” I got introduced to the idea of Prayer Partners at an All- Night Prayer Service at the Holy Name Church of Jesus. After our Friday Night Service, they announced that some of the members of the church decided to spend the night at the church in prayer. As a teenager, I was fascinated by the idea that people were able to pray all night long. I heard of people dancing and partying all night, but I never imagined people praying for such a long time. I called my mom and asked if I could stay at the church and pray till daybreak. She never heard of such an idea either; therefore, she was suspicious and called the church. She confirmed with the pastor that all- night prayer was happening and permitted me to stay. During All Night Prayer, we utilized many of the prayer postures that previously mentioned: bowing the head, kneel...

The House of Prayer

The House of Prayer “And said unto them, it is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves (Matthew 21:13).” People join spiritual communities and attend religious services for various reasons. Many people do so out of the sincerity of their hearts and hunger for holistic growth and development. Some people do it out of duty, fear, or obligation. Others do it because it has become a ritual, or it is a common practice of their families and friends. Jesus, our Wayshower, was angry when the moneychangers used sacred space as an opportunity to sell defective sacrifices and overcharge people for the items that they needed (Matthew 21:12-17). He clarified the real purpose of gathering in God’s house: prayer. You may call it a mosque, temple, church, edifice, or sanctuary, but the scriptures refer to it as a house of prayer for all people (Isaiah 56:7). Seeing God’s house as a house of pr...


Selah “ After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone (Matthew 14:23).” Selah is a one-word prayer.You can find Selah in the Bible over 70 times (Psalm 3:2-8, Habakkuk 3:3-13). It is a thoughtful musical pause found most frequently in the Psalms. Selah is a time when the music stops, and the audience can reflect on what they heard. Selah also gives the singers and musicians a moment to catch their breath. Like a time out in a sporting event, Selah is an opportunity for the teams to regroup before the next play. Jesus, the manifestation of the Christ consciousness, was a very busy man. He spent a lot of time preaching and teaching in various cities. Training the disciples and answering their questions was a big part of his daily routine. His audience always needed him to perform another miracle such as turning the water to wine, calming the raging seas, healing the sick...
The Sacred Posture of  Sitting “ And Jesus closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down (Luke 4:20).” Jesus, our example of what it means to fully human and fully divine, went to a physical place of worship regularly. The synagogue was his church. When I visited Capernaum, I had the opportunity to see just how close the synagogue was to where Jesus and his disciples spent most of their time. Not only was Jesus a regular attendee of the synagogue, but he was an active participant in the worship experience (Luke 4:15-21). He was on the program and read the scriptures. Following Jesus’ example leads us to regular and active participation in a local assembly so that we can fellowship with others. After doing his part in the service, Jesus closed the book of the Prophet Isaiah, gave it to the presider, and sat down in his seat. Sitting is an appropriate posture for prayer. Sitting is not any less sacred than kneeli...
Prayer Tool of Fellowship with the  Saints  and Positive People - Ratchet Saints are not just the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New Testament. Anyone who is a disciplined follower of Jesus Christ and makes a conscious choice to develop in Christ consciousness is a saint. The time that saints spend together is called fellowship. Formal fellowship takes place when you regularly gather with others weekly for services and studies. Informal fellowship provides an opportunity for saints to do fun things together, such as going to the movies, sporting events, or playing games. Both formal and informal fellowships strengthen and encourage you to continue in your love journey and path towards wholeness. The original disciples were so effective in their kingdom work because “they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42).” For your holistic growth...

The Prayer Tool of Giving and Stewardship: time, talents and treasure

The Prayer Tool of Giving and Stewardship time, talents, and treasure Everything and everyone belongs to God. Stewardship is the understanding that because God has total ownership of everything, you must carefully handle the resources He has entrusted to you. You must be a good manager (steward) of these resources. Being a good steward of your time, talents, and treasure (money) means tithing them. Tithing is recognizing and appreciating God as your Source. Jesus, our Wayshower, confirmed the idea of paying tithes with the right motives (Matthew 23:23). Tithe, in its most basic definition, means one-tenth, giving 10% of your time, talents, and treasure. You tithe your time by investing two hours and twenty-five minutes in prayer, your Spiritual Toolbox. You tithe your talents by volunteering in ministry and doing pro bono work. You tithe your treasure by giving cheerfully, freely, and liberally to the local assembly or ministry where you connect wit...