Father, I thank you

Father, I thank you

And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, Father, I thank you that you have heard me and I know that you hear me always (John 11:41-42).”

As heirs of God and joints heirs with Christ, you don’t have to beg and plead with God to give you the desires of your heart. “Delight yourself also in the Lord: and God will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).” Pray with the understanding of the Father Factor to demonstrate you are entitled to everything that God is and everything God has (Romans 8:17). God granted you total access to your good. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32). Jehovah desires for you to be happy, healthy, and prosperous; therefore, God freely gives you all things (Romans 8:32). God’s desire for you is Absolute Good (Psalm 84:11). God is not against you; God is for you being your best self and living your best life (Romans 8:31).

According to H. Emile Cady’s Lessons in Truth, “There is no wrong way to pray. Some prayers are limited, and others are unlimited.” Two people can pray for the same thing, a house, and one can pray in a limited manner while the other can pray about it in an unlimited way, full of possibility. The limited prayer says, “Lord, please give me a house. You know I need it for my family and me. I live right. I pay my tithes and give my offerings. Lord, my family is tired of not having our own home. God, I appreciate it if you bless us with a house in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

The unlimited possibility prayer sounds like the prayer that Jesus prayed in today’s scripture, “Father, I thank you, for the house that you already provided for my family and me. Direct me to my perfect house. I know all things in heaven and earth are in proper alignment for me to see the blessing that you have already given us. I put myself in a posture to receive my house. I use my faith to bring my house into natural manifestation. It is so, and so it is, and so I let it be.”


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