Change is not a dirty word!

 Change is not a dirty word!

“Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place (Revelation 2:5 NIV).”

Denial: I cannot be where I AM not. 

Affirmation: I can only be where I AM. 

Kingdom Principle – Divine Placement 

Your current way of being (perceptions, thoughts, words, and actions) brought you to this point of your journey.  To go to the next point along your path, change is necessary. Some things in your life may be easy to change. Other things may be more challenging to transform. Nevertheless, progression, growth, and development call for some type of change. These changes are for your highest good and forward movement. 

John the Baptist had one requirement of his baptismal candidates (Matthew 3:1-16). Repent. Jesus was no exception to this rule. He, too, needed to repent. Repentance is a change of heart or mind that results in a change of action.  Jesus’ public acceptance of being a Wayshower meant that his entire life as he knew it was changing. His old patterns were not enough for his new life; therefore, repentance was essential.

Repenting does not mean that you have done something wrong; it simply means that God is calling you to make changes in some area of your life. Only you can determine what needs to change, when to make the change and how to implement change for your personal happiness and success. Your spiritual practices for the development of your soul empower you to transform easily and gracefully.  You may be blessed with friends and family who support you in and through your change process; however, ultimately, change is in your court. 

Reflection Question – What are the current changes that you are making in your life? How do you know God is calling you to make those changes?

Sharing Activity – Share with a like-minded and supportive individual the change you are working along with any challenges that you are facing as a result.


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