Woman Wayshowers

“And I will pour of my Spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy (Acts 2:17).” 

Most of the examples of leaders that you have read about in the Bible are men. There are also female leaders throughout the Bible. It is important that we highlight the women in the Bible and study them. Women such as Miriam, Esther, Ruth, and Deborah were leaders in the Old Testament. Mary, Priscilla, Dorcas, and Phoebe are just a few examples of New Testament female leaders. 

Your gender does not qualify you or disqualify from being a Wayshower (Spiritual Leader). Being a leader is about developing the Christ within and growing in the manifestation of your divine potential. 

John, an apostle of Jesus Christ, wrote a letter to a “Woman Leader” who was leading a church in her home (II John 1:1-13). He called her the Elect Lady and celebrated the love that she manifested towards her spiritual children. John also complemented her on her commitment to teaching Truth principles that were changing people’s lives. Never allow your gender to stand in the way of your being a Leader. Do not allow another person’s gender to stop you from following them as a leader. Instruct young men and young women that they can be leaders and that there is no limit to what they can accomplish. Celebrate the women who have showed you the way.


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