The Nose of God

 “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor.” Ephesians 5:2

Denial – Spirit does not have a physical nose.

Affirmation – My nose is the nose of God. 

Your sense of smell is the strongest of all your senses (I Corinthians 12:12-18). You remember what you smell over what you hear or what you see. Aroma therapy is so popular because inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, the part of the brain connected to smell, including the nose. Through your sense of smell you can change your entire mood. Just as your natural nose can decipher the flavor of food before you even taste it, your spiritual nose discerns what is best for you. 

Jesus, as Wayshower, was always sniffing out opportunities to love.  He was able to discern when people were sincere about healing their bodies and changing their lives. Jesus also knew when people like the Pharisees and Sadducees were not serious about their holistic health and development. His sense of smell was not used to judge people but to empower him to make the best use of his time, talents, and treasure. 

When your soul is in alignment with your spirit, your nose becomes the nose of God and your sense of discernment is keen. You can decipher people’s intentions as well as the motives behind their words and actions. This information enables you to make quality decisions and wise choices for the greater good of all parties involved. 

Reflection Question – How can you use your discernment to make better decisions?

Giving Activity – Sniff out an opportunity to give to somebody who has a need.


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