Family & Friends

 Being an example to your family and friends can be particularly challenging. They have known you longer and often better than other people. Sometimes they can hold your past against you and only see you from their limited perspective. They may not receive you as a Wayshower, a positive role model, to them because of their awareness of the challenges that you are working through to be the best version of yourself. 

Cornelius was an Italian military leader who was an awesome Wayshower to his family, friends, and community (Acts 10:1-48). He was known in his locale for being a man of integrity and a philanthropist. When he had his spiritual awakening, the first people that he called to his home were his family and friends. Not only did they receive his invitation, but they too had life-changing experiences. 

Each family and friendship are unique. In some instances, you may be like Cornelius and receive the support of your family and friends as you move along your spiritual journey. In others, you may be like Jesus who was not be able to a Wayshower to many of his relatives and childhood friends (Matthew 13:54-58). Although it may feel like a personal attack, take a deep breath, and know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be in every area of your life. Make every effort to light your shine and show your family and friends the way.


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