
 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God? (John 11:40)” 

Glory is a One Word Prayer. Glory is the verbal response to seeing the manifestation of the One Power and the One Presence in your life. Glory is the feedback that you give when you tangibly experience the fruit of your labor. Glory is the word that you say when you see results actualized through your health, relationships, and wealth because of living by Kingdom principles. Glory is how you express yourself when your good comes into expression on this physical realm. In the spiritual realm, you know that everything is complete; therefore, when you meet Spirit through your natural senses, you feel glory. 

Jesus, the Perfect Pattern, loved the sibling trio of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Their home in Bethany was a refuge for him from the demands of ministry. His friendship with them gave him the balance that he needed in his life. Due to other responsibilities, Jesus was not able to heal Lazarus when he was sick, and he did not arrive at the family home until four days after Lazarus’ transition. In their grief of the loss of their brother, Mary and Martha focused on Jesus’ absence and late arrival. 

Although Jesus wept and dealt with his grief over the loss of his friend, he chose to be loving and supportive of Lazarus’ sisters. He focused on the present moment and allowed them to experience the glory of God for themselves. Lazarus’ sisters had seen the glory of God through the prevention of death. They heard of the glory of God through the resurrection of a person who was dead for several hours. Previously, they never experienced the glory of God through the resurrection of a dead body that had already started decomposing. Jesus knew that this was an opportunity for the sisters to experience the glory of God in a new and impactful way. Any challenge you face is an opportunity for you to experience the glory of God in a way that you have never have before.


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