Acceptance is the Answer (Jeremiah 28:15)

Accept God will for your life, that the only answer, accept yourself with all your light and your darkness, accept yourself, accept other people, accept exactly where they are on their journey. Acceptance is the answer to all the stuff that you going on and so Jeremiah is telling Hannah that you just got to accept what God said you are all going to Babylonian for 70 years just go ahead and accept it. It is the consequence for your action. It is the ramification for your idolatry and for your being disobedient to God.

Sometimes what we receive is an acquittal well even through we are guilty that God  gives  us grace  and mercy and  what  our soul needs isn’t  quitter  and  so we don’t  get  any  of  the consequence  we just  experience  God’s grace  and God’s  mercy, so God  gives  you a  quitter accept it.

Sometimes what God gives you is a reduced sentence that your soul doesn’t need all of the time. Amen.  that there’s and that’s what Hannah said that it will only going be a Babylon and captivity for two years. It wasn’t   true but it God gives you a reduced sentence accept it and praise God for it.  Don’t complain about it, don’t murmur about it, thank God   for the reduced sentence.

Sometimes  you have the full consequence for  your actions no parole,  that is release of  a sentence, no probation, you did the  crime  and  you going  to do all  the time  and accept  that and sometime our family members, our friends  that for  their  souls unfoldment, they need  all  the time  no parole , no probation , no getting off  early for good  behavior , they need  all the time  so that they can  learn, so that they can grow, so  that  they can heal, so that they can unfold, so that  they  can develop, so that they can  become  all  that God has destined  for them to become. 


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