
Read – John 4:4-26

Scripture: “God is Spirit and they that worship God must worship 

God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).”

Denial: “Nothing can separate me from God.” 

Affirmation: “I AM a spiritual being.”

Talking to the Woman at the Well, Jesus gave a very vivid one-word 

description of God, the I AM that I AM, by saying, “God is Spirit.” 

Distinguishing God from human beings who are both human and 

divine, Jesus, the Christ, identifies God as Spirit, completely divine. 

Spirit does not have flesh and bones (I Corinthians 15:50). Spirit 

transcends time and space. Human beings are spiritual beings. Our 

humanity comes from Mother Earth. God formed humanity from the 

dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7). Our spirituality comes from the 

breath of life that God breathed into our nostrils (Ezekiel 37:10, 

James 2:26).

God is a threefold being. Father, Son, Holy Spirit or Mind, Idea and 

Expression. Humanity which is made in the image and likeness of 

God are spirit, soul, and body or breath, brains, and body. The I AM 

is the spiritual part of our being. As spiritual beings, we can live in 

the Spirit, manifest the Fruit of the Spirit, and operate in the Gifts of 

the Spirit (Galatians 5:17-23, I Corinthians 12:1-9). 

In reality, we are spirits. We have souls. We live in bodies. Our spirit 

is our essence, our divinity. Our soul is composed of our minds (our 

thinking), heart (our feelings and emotions), intellect (learning, 

unlearning, and relearning) and our will (our decisions and choices). 

Our body is the house or outer shell that houses the spirit and the 

soul. Our body is not limited to the crown of our heads, the soles of 

our feet and everything in between. Our body is anything that 

manifests in the physical: our health, our relationships, and our 


When we worship God, we do it from the I AM of our being and in 

the truth of who we are—spiritual beings. We do not worship 

people who are human beings. We worship God. We love people. 

We honor people. We respect people, but we worship God and God 



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