The Lost Elder Brother Te Kingdom Key of Lost and Found

The Lost Elder Brother The Kingdom Key of Lost & Found

READ | Luke 15:25-32

The older son never leaves the house or does any overt behavior to waste his inheritance. However, he is jealous when his younger brother is restored and is given a party. He is so disconnected from the events that are going on in the house, that he must ask a servant what is taking place. The father reminds the older son of his birthright and entitlement to everything that he had. He had permission to throw his own party. He did not have to wait for an event to access his inheritance.

The elder brother had consistent access but was so busy working in the field that he did not do the practices to experience the relationship with his father that he desired. God does not desire that we just do the work of ministry. God desires an intimate relationship with us that is based on our Kingdom perfection, principles, practices and promises.

Through the Parable of the Lost Son, we gain our view of people and our approach to evangelism. Like the two sons, we are all children of God. We all begin as ideas in the mind of God and live in the presence of God. Therefore, we view every person as an offspring of God whether we are in the field of the world or in the house of God. The Kingdom Key of Lost and Found enables us to evangelize knowing that those who are unsaved are our brothers, sisters, and siblings in the field of the world that must be brought back into the Kingdom of God. We do not approach people as if they don’t know God or have no relationship with God because “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself (II Corinthians 5:19).” Therefore, we have a ministry of reconciliation and a word of reconciliation.


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