
Showing posts from October, 2022

When the Oil Runs Out The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish

When the Oil Runs Out The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish R EAD | Matthew 25:1-13 When their oil ran out, the foolish virgins asked the wise virgins for some of their oil. The wise virgins refused to give them any of their oil because of the possibility of them not having enough oil for themselves. Not only is it wise to prepare, but it is also wise to make sure your needs are met before helping others. Jesus commanded us to Love God, Love Ourselves and to Love Everyone Else in that order (Matthew 22:34-40). We can only love others to the extent that we love ourselves. It is best to give to others after we have given to ourselves. Healthy giving is not giving out of our need but giving out of our abundance. Wisdom is making sure that our own needs are met before we help others with their needs. The wise virgins did not leave the foolish virgins without advice. Sharing is caring. They told them where they were able to go to get oil. “Go to them that sell an...

Prepared for the Unexpected The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish

Prepared for the Unexpected The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish R EAD | Matthew 25:1-13 In the parable, five of the virgins were wise and five of the virgins were foolish. Both the wise and the foolish went to meet the bridegroom. Both the wise and the foolish took their lamps. Both the wise and the foolish slumbered and slept while waiting for the call of the bridegroom. Both the wise and the foolish heard the call of the bridegroom. The difference between the wise and the foolish virgins did not have anything to do with their sexuality or virginity. Both the wise and the foolish were virgins. The distinction between the wise and the foolish had to do with the oil. The wise took oil in their vessels with them on the journey. The wise were prepared and the foolish were not prepared. The wise thought ahead and planned for the possibility of the oil depleting while they were traveling. The foolish only thought of the present moment and did not prepare for th...

Hearing is not Enough! The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish READ | Matthew 7:24-29

Hearing is not Enough! The Kingdom Key of Wise & Foolish R EAD | Matthew 7:24-29 Jesus, our Wayshower, in the Sermon on the Mount introduced the Kingdom Key of the Wise and the Foolish in the parable of the Two Houses. The wise man heard the Word and applied it to his life. The wise man is compared to a man who built his house on a rock. The foolish man heard the Word but did not apply it to his life. The foolish man is compared to a man who built his house on sand. Both men experienced the same weather conditions: the rain descended, the flood came, and the winds blew and beat upon both houses. The house built on a rock survived the storm. The house built on the sand was destroyed and fell. Hearing and doing the Word is not an exemption certificate from the challenges of life but it will ensure your ability to stand no matter what. It is not enough for us to just hear the Word; we must obey the Word that we have heard. “Fait...

The Kingdom Key of Wise and Foolish

The  Kingdom Key of Wise and Foolish  The Kingdom Key of Wise and Foolish is rooted in the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). Five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. The difference between wisdom and foolishness is preparation. The Kingdom Key of Sheep and Goats is based on the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31- 46). This key illustrates the importance of pastoral care, community service, and outreach. Loving Yourself through Exercise Another fuel for the body is exercise. One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is exercise. I find it beneficial for me to exercise in the morning. After giving God the first fruits of my day, I give myself the second fruit, the gift of exercise. Before I can give anything to others, I must give something to myself. When compared to the spiritual exercises of godliness and contentment, Paul said, “Physical exercise has little value (I Timothy 4:8).” Nev...