Balancing Temptation & Truth Jesus, the King of the Kingdom

Balancing Temptation & Truth Jesus, the King of the Kingdom

READ | Matthew 4:1-11

After Jesus received validation of his identity from God, affirmation of his identity through John the Baptist and confirmation of his identity from the dove that descended on him at his baptism, Jesus needed time to integrate all that happened, before he began his ministry. He took time to be alone so that he was able to make meaning of it for himself. The wilderness was the perfect place to do that. Every disciple of Jesus has their own wilderness experience. The wilderness experience is a soulful experience which empowers you with the necessary tools to address anything that comes up while you are doing ministry.

Jesus experienced integration in the wilderness. Jesus as Wayshower successfully navigated through his wilderness experience because he knew the Truth of the scriptures. He was a Student of Truth. Therefore, he was able to quote the Truth to himself and apply it to the various challenges that he faced while in the wilderness. The common phrase that he said in the face of every temptation was, “It is written.” He used the Truth to triumph over his temptations.

As you follow Jesus as your Wayshower, you will be presented with various obstacles to overcome, hurdles to jump over, and mountains to move. You grow in Christ consciousness by increasing your reading, studying, and researching the scriptures that are filled with Universal Truths. The degree of success that you experience in life’s challenges is based on your knowledge and use of the Truth.


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