Praying & Watching

Praying & Watching

Watch and pray, so that you don’t enter into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).”

Prayer opens you up to be more cognizant of what’s going on in your life. Jesus told his disciples not only to pray but to watch. Watching is being alert and paying attention to what you are manifesting in your health, relationships, and wealth.

Jesus coupled prayer and watching as the antidote to temptation. All temptation is unique to you and happens when something outside of you stimulates something inside of you to overcome it. Temptation is one of the ways that your soul brings things up and out to be healed, resolved, or changed. This scripture does not represent the first time that Jesus taught his disciples about temptation. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught his disciples, “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13).” “Lead us not into temptation” is interpreted as lead us away from temptation.

God leads you away from temptation in various ways. It may be a peaceful and private escape route where people do not even notice that you are gone. At other times, it may be a public act as a resignation in front of everyone so that others see that you are doing what’s necessary for your sobriety and sanity. Finally, God’s guidance may be a crisis intervention so that you can receive the urgent care that you need to be safe.

Using the Prayer Tool of Meditation, Mindfulness and Breathing as symbolized by the level, notice and watch for the people, places and things that tempt you. Pray and meditate on ways to overcome your temptation(s).


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