
    Give Me A Moment (Matthew 17:4) Give me a moment. Have you ever just needed a moment a time out, a break, or maybe a huddle with your friends? Give me a moment. There is a difference between a moment and a minute. A minute is 60 seconds, while a moment is an undisclosed period of time. A moment can last a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months. Jesus called His core disciples Peter, James, and John up to the mountain so they could have a moment with Him. In that moment on the mountain, Jesus was transfigured. And for us to experience transfiguration, which is an external, physical change, we first need to be transformed internally. It doesn’t take long for a change to happen. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we can be changed. Peter, James, and John had a moment with Jesus on that mountain. Not all the disciples were there, but the core group Peter, James, and John were with Jesus in the moment where He was transformed. “Be not conformed
    Really Peter (Matthew 16:23)   Peter shows us a full spectrum of consciousness, reflecting all the different points along our journey, this love journey, this wholeness path, this kingdom voyage. Peter had a revelation when Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do people say I am?" To get the scuttlebutt, the gossip, the word on the street, the disciples responded, "Some say you are Jeremiah, Elijah, John the Baptist, or one of the prophets." But Jesus took the conversation deeper. He asked, "But who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "Thou art the Christ." That's what Peter said. "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God," Peter declared. Peter had a revelation. Jesus said, "Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in heaven." Peter had a revelation, but when the anointing lifted, we saw a different side of Peter. We have apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, but who are you
  When I Feel, I Deal with So I Can Heal, Keep It Real, and God Is Revealed (Matthew 15:6) The heart is the feeling part of the soul, and whatever is going on in your heart manifests in your life and health. Whatever you are feeling, the energy of your feelings has to go somewhere. If we don’t deal with how we feel, it manifests as sickness, pain, disease, discomfort, and dysfunction in our bodies. So, you need to deal with how you feel to heal yourself. When I feel, I deal so that I can heal, keep it real, and God is revealed. Whatever is in your heart whatever you are feeling is manifesting in your relationships. The chaos, confusion, contention, competition, and comparisons in your relationships result from what you feel in your heart. So, you need to deal with how you feel, for God is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. We need to clean up and clear up our hearts. Whatever happens in your heart manifests in your finances and shows up in your wealth. If you h
  Are You a People Pleaser (Matthew 14:6) 06 February 2024   Who are you pleasing today? Some of us are people pleasers. We live our entire lives trying to please people, trying to get their approval and validation. We get pleasure out of pleasing other people, and so we do everything looking for people to be pleased with us.   Are you living your life for people, trying to please people? Some of us try to please ourselves, and we forget people. I AM    pleasing myself, and so all our lives are consumed with self-pleasure, and immediate gratification, and so we live our lives pleasing ourselves, or are you pleasing God? Are you living your life with one purpose: to please God? Are you concerned with whether or not God is pleased with you? At the end of the day, when God says well done, thou good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things. I will make you rule over me. That’s what I Am living for.   I am living to please God; I desire for God to say about me as
  The Kingdom is About Growth (Matthew 13:24-30)   The kingdom is about growth, not condemnation, judgment, sin, abomination, transgression, or iniquity. The kingdom of God is about growth. Jesus said it is like wheat and weeds, or "tares," as some versions say. As you grow, once you plant a seed in the ground, you don’t just get what you get; you also get weeds. As you keep growing, you will outgrow any behavior, any way of being, seeing, thinking, speaking, or acting that is not like God; you will outgrow it. Stop trying to pull up the weeds and keep growing. Stop trying to put people out of your life because some of the people you think are weeds are really wheat, and some of the people you feel are wheat might not be. Just keep growing, and it will automatically separate. Jesus said the growth in the kingdom is like a mustard seed. It starts as the smallest seed, but it’s potent. So do not despise the days of small beginnings; keep growing. Don’t compare yourself to a
  I AM a Good Tree and I Bring Forth Good Fruit (Matthew 12:3) I AM a good tree, and I bring forth good fruit. I was created that way. When God made everything, He spoke over the creation and said it was good. When He got to human beings, He said not only were we good, but we were very good. Affirm with me today: I AM a good tree because I was created that way. It doesn’t matter what anybody else says; I was created good. God said I was very good.   Good is the essence of who I AM. Because I AM a good tree, not only was I created that way, but I also continue in that way. My good is a continuation of how I was created. Because I AM a good tree and I was created that way, my way of being is good. The energy and aura that come from me that exudes from me are good because I AM a good tree. How I see people, places, and things is good because I AM a good tree. I can’t help but see the good in God and people because I was created that way, so I continue that way. My way of thinking is
   Run Tell That (Matthew 11:5) People like a little tea, they like a little gossip, they like to know that he said this, she said that. That’s why the tabloids make so much money, and reality shows are so popular. People like getting into other folks' businesses to escape from their own lives. They get into other people's lives and then tell somebody else, “Girl, did you hear?” That’s what was happening in our text today with John the Baptist. He sent his disciples to put their noses in Jesus' business. He was questioning if Jesus was the Messiah. Is He really the savior of the world? So, they were investigating, gossiping, and putting their nose in His business. Jesus said, "You know what? Run tell that. Since you're looking, I'm going to give you a show. I'll give you something to go and run and tell back to John." I know he is in prison again for putting his nose in somebody else’s business. “Who’s sleeping with who,” he said, but let me give y