
Showing posts from June, 2024
  I AM Lord of My Health, My Relationships and My Wealth (2 John 1:2) There are three major aspects of your life: your health, your relationships, and your wealth. And guess what? You are lord over all three of them. You are in control of your own health. You determine how healthy you are going to be, not history, genes, diagnosis, or prognosis. It is not your family or external factors that dictate your health. You are lord over your health, which means that you get to decide your digestion, what you put in your body, how intimate you are going to be, how much rest you are going to get, and how much exercise you are going to do. You get to decide all the checkups and doctor's appointments, and then you get to decide how you are going to treat yourself. When you do well, you get to decide about your outward appearance and how you look, your recreation, your fun. You are lord over your health, living a holistically healthy, balanced, and well-rounded life, and you get to decide
  I AM a Unique Unrepeatable Expression of God (Ezekiel 20: 32) You are a one-of-a-kind individual, crafted by the divine with care and intention. Your fingerprints are unique, your DNA is like no one else's. There is no one else in the world like you, and there never will be. Embrace your individuality and don't try to be like anyone else, because there is no one quite like you. When God created you, it was with the understanding that you are special and irreplaceable. You are a masterpiece, not to be duplicated or imitated. Celebrate your uniqueness and the fact that you are a rare and exceptional being. Remember that you are perfectly designed, and there is no need to compare yourself to others. So, stand tall in the knowledge that you are a one-of-a-kind creation, unlike anyone else in the world. Embrace your individuality, be proud of who you are, and live confidently in the knowledge that you are a unique expression of the divine. You are a unique and irreplaceabl
 You Need A Pastor (Jeremiah 3:15) You need a pastor, a spiritual leader to guide you in your journey of faith. Just as a pastor needs  their own pastor for support and guidance, every sheep needs a shepherd to lead them in the right  direction. Even a Bishop, a high-ranking spiritual leader, benefits from having another Bishop to  provide wisdom and accountability. We never truly graduate from needing a spiritual leader or shepherd in our lives. No matter how  mature or knowledgeable we may become in our faith, we will always need someone to help  guide us, challenge us, and support us in our spiritual growth. Having a mentor or leader to lean  on can provide valuable insight, perspective, and encouragement as we navigate the challenges  and complexities of our faith journey. So, let us embrace the importance of having a spiritual  leader in our lives, knowing that we will continue to grow and learn under their guidance. God promises to provide us with pastors, shepherds, and spiritua
  Change and Live (Ezekiel 18:32) I choose to embrace life over death, as it is a decision that is within my control. In Ezekiel 18:32, it is stated that God does not take pleasure in the death of anyone, but rather desires for individuals to turn from their wicked ways and live. This serves as a reminder that life is a precious gift, and it is up to us to make the choice to live it to the fullest. Living life to the fullest means embracing all the joys and challenges that come our way, and continually striving to better ourselves and those around us. It means seizing each day as an opportunity to create meaningful connections, pursue our passions, and make a positive impact on the world. It is a choice to live with purpose and intention, rather than simply existing. While death is inevitable for all of us, we have the power to make the most of the time we are given on this earth. By choosing to live, we are choosing to honor the gift of life and make the most of every moment. So, I ch