
Showing posts from July, 2022

Competition - The Kingdom Key of Least & Greatest

Competition - The Kingdom Key of Least & Greatest R EAD | Matthew 18:1-4 “ Therefore, whoever chooses to humble themselves as this little child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:4) .” The desire to be great among our peers and in the eyes of others is the aspiration of most people. This desire for greatness often leads to competition. Competition can be healthy when it is done to motivate individuals or inspire groups to be their best. Most sports are competitive and have the goal of fostering healthy sportsmanship. Competition is unhealthy when it tears away at people’s self -esteem, self-image, and self-worth or causes them to do things that are unethical just to win. According to Charles Fillmore, the founder of the Unity Movement, the ego is often represented by male characters in the Bible and emotions are symbolized by female figures in the scriptures. Jesus’ primary twelves disciples were men, and a part...

Praying the Kingdom-The Kingdom Key of Binding & Loosing

Praying the Kingdom-The Kingdom Key of Binding & Loosing R EAD | Matthew 18:15-20 Kingdom praying is building consciousness, your awareness of God. You build consciousness by quoting scriptures, denials, and affirmations. There is power in speaking the Word of God aloud with power and authority. There is power in denials and affirmations. Praying the Kingdom is denouncing hatred, envy, jealousy, strife, malice, bitterness, or unforgiveness that you do not desire and affirming the love that you do desire. Praying the Kingdom is decreeing that sorrow, sadness, discontentment, or depression have no power over you and affirming your Divine birthright of joy. Praying the Kingdom is releasing conflict, confusion, chaos, discord, battles, and war and holding in your mind the Fruit of the Spirit, which is peace. Praying the Kingdom is binding illness, sickness, pain, disease, discomfort, and dysfunction, and “loosing” wholeness, healing, an...

What do these words mean? The Kingdom Key of Binding & Loosing

What do these words mean? The Kingdom Key of Binding & Loosing R EAD | Matthew 16:13-20 “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue. We love words and eat the frui t thereof (Proverbs 18:21).” One of the ways to powerfully use the scriptures in your life is through finding scriptures that apply to an experience that you are having. Scripture is the timeless truth that brings up any lies buried deep in your subconscious. Once you find the appropriate scripture, you can speak it with power along with a denial and an affirmation to build your consciousness around the ideas of health, harmony in relationship, and wealth. Binding and loosing is not a popular phrase in t oday’s society. The term comes from biblical times in relationship to animals. People bound animals such as oxen and horses so that they did not go astray. They also put bits in their mouths to keep them focused on the transportation task at hand. Then there we...

The Kingdom Key of Binding & Loosing

The Kingdom Key of Binding & Loosing R EAD | Matthew 23:13-39 “ Woe to you, teachers, writers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the Kingdom of God in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to (Matthew 23:13).” Do you remember the first time that you were given a key or a set of keys? Maybe it was the key to a locker at school or a set of keys to your home, the front and back doors, or top and bottom locks. Some authority figure gave you keys because they believed that you were able to handle the responsibility and that you were going to be respectful of the space. The biblical idea of keyholders began with Abraham and the nation of Israel. One of the promises that God gave Abraham is that through you and your seed all nations of the earth will be blessed (Genesis 18:18, 22:18). According to the Bible, the Jews were the only monotheistic nation. The...