
Showing posts from October, 2021

Way of Seeing

Way of Seeing “ The light of the body is the eye: therefore, when your eye is single, your whole body also is full of light (Luke 11:34).” In addition to your two natural eyes, God gives you spiritual insight and supernatural intuition, which many people refer to as the third eye or the sixth sense. Your spiritual insight empowers you to walk by faith and not by human sight (II Corinthians 5:7). Through the eyes of faith, you see beyond your natural limitations to supernatural possibilities. Jesus, our example of what it means to be fully human and fully Divine, saw people through his “Christ” eyes. His perspective of people differed from those who only saw others through natural eyes. Jesus saw potential in people that they did not see in themselves. Despite physical appearances, he saw their capacity for health, wealth, and harmony in all relationships. When your soul is in alignment with your Spirit, it impacts your perception...

Father, I thank you

Father, I thank you “ And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, Father, I thank you that you have heard me and I know that you hear me always (John 11:41-42).” As heirs of God and joints heirs with Christ, you don’t have to beg and plead with God to give you the desires of your heart. “Delight yourself also in the Lord: and God will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).” Pray with the understanding of the Father Factor to demonstrate you are entitled to everything that God is and everything God has (Romans 8:17). God granted you total access to your good. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32). Jehovah desires for you to be happy, healthy, and prosperous; therefore, God freely gives you all things (Romans 8:32). God’s desire for you is Absolute Good (Psalm 84:11). God is not against you; God is for you being your best self and living your best life (Romans 8:31). According to H. Emile Cady’s Lessons in Tr...

Praying in the Already

Praying in the Already “ He asked this only to try him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do (John 6:6).” Many people see prayers from the imagery of two roles: Santa Claus or a short-order cook. Some see a Santa Claus who gives out toys and gifts based on their naughty or nice behavior. The thought is that if you do all the right things, then God hears and answers your prayers. However, if you think, say or do something that is not right or perfect, then God will not give you what you desire. Others see God as a short-order cook. A waitress takes your order then calls it out to the cook who makes it in the kitchen. When your order is ready, the cook rings the bell signaling the waitress to pick it up and bring it to your table so that you can eat it and pay the bill. Some people believe that through prayer, God takes your requests, cooks them up, and delivers them to you. When you pray in the already, you realize t...

Prayer & Exercise

Prayer & Exercise “ As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them (Luke 24:15).” Prayer is a spiritual exercise, and walking is a physical exercise. Prayer exercises the soul and brings it in alignment with your spirit. Walking exercises the body burns calories and relieves stress and tension. It is one of a universally popular exercise because it does not require a gym membership or a personal trainer. Most physicians highly recommend walking for people of all ages, genders, and sizes. My goal is to walk 20,000 steps every day. I decided to do it daily because when I set specific days of the week, such as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, something seems to occur on those days to cause me not to reach my goal. One day in meditation, Spirit whispered to me, “whoever you are, you are it every day.” I AM a healthy person, and a healthy person exercises every day. Therefore, I ...

Prayer & Faith

Prayer & Faith “ Have faith in God, Jesus answered (Mark 11:22).” Faith is the movement of ideas from one realm to another realm. The spiritual has already answered your prayer and is waiting for you to manifest the answers in the natural, physical realm (Daniel 10:12-13). Therefore, faith is bringing your good from the spiritual realm into the natural realm where you can see it with your natural eyes and hear it with your natural ears. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him but it is revealed to us by God’s Spirit (I Corinthians 2:9-10).” Faith is moving what you desire from the heavenly realm to the earthly realm, where you can taste it with your earthly lips and feel it with your earthly hands. “Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).” Faith is your ability to bring positive things from the invisible...


Glory “Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God? (John 11:40)” Glory is a One Word Prayer. Glory is the verbal response to seeing the manifestation of the One Power and the One Presence in your life. Glory is the feedback that you give when you tangibly experience the fruit of your labor. Glory is the word that you say when you see results actualized through your health, relationships, and wealth because of living by Kingdom principles. Glory is how you express yourself when your good comes into expression on this physical realm. In the spiritual realm, you know that everything is complete; therefore, when you come in contact with Spirit through your natural senses, you feel glory. Jesus, the Perfect Pattern, loved the sibling trio of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Their home in Bethany was a refuge for him from the demands of ministry. His friendship with them gave him the balance that he needed in his life. Due to other responsibilities, Jes...
The Sacred Posture of Walking “Shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake (Matthew 14:25)” Jesus’ primary mode of transportation was walking. He, along with his disciples, traveled from city to city on foot. Occasionally, he rode a donkey as he did during his triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-7). John, an apostle of Jesus Christ, prophesied that one day he would be exalted as the King of kings and have the privilege of riding a horse (Revelation 6:2). In the New Testament, many of Jesus’ disciples described their relationship with God as walking. Therefore, the epistles are full of scriptures about walking. In the letters, the apostle Paul wrote to the churches he founded with many references to walking. He wrote to the Church at Corinth and exhorted them to “walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).” Paul also wrote to the Church at Ephesus and encouraged the members to “walk in love as Christ has also loved us (Ephesians 5:2).” In his epist...
The Prayer Tool of Silence and Sound - Hand Saw Hand saws have been around for thousands of years. In woodworking and carpentry, hand saws cut pieces of wood into different shapes. The hand saw has a flat, sharp edge with a handle at one end for manual operation. “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven...a time to keep silence, and a time to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:1,7).” Before the hand saw makes noise cutting the wood, the user practices sawing with a silent practice motion for accuracy. Sometimes the hand saw of prayer is silence so that you can hear the still, small voice. Elijah, the prophet, learned that God is not in the noise of the wind, fire, or earthquakes, but God is in the silence of a gentle whisper. (I Kings 19:11-12). Prayer can also be complete and total silence. “The Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him (Habakkuk 2:20).” Prayer cannot be limited to silence. You need both silence and the sound of pra...

The Prayer Tool of Stillness and Movement - Wrench

The Prayer Tool of Stillness and Movement - Wrench A wrench is a tool with jaws normally used for holding, turning or twisting rotary fasteners, such as nuts and bolts. It provides grip and mechanical advantage in applying torque, a twisting force that causes rotation, to turn objects or keep them from turning. “Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen; I will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10).” Sometimes the purpose of the wrench of prayer is to keep you still and allow you to cease your constant moving. If you are not careful, the demands of life can keep you so busy moving here and there that you do not give your relationship with God, the quality time that it requires. In the stillness, you learn to be. “It is in God that we live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:28).” You are not a human doing; you are a human being learning to be human. It is in the stillness that you know God. Whenever you are sti...

Way of Being

Way of Being “And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, who touched my clothes (Mark 5:30)?” Without you telling them, people can tell when you are a person who prays consciously and consistently. There is a positive energy that people feel exuding from you. They intuitively know that there is something special about you. Some people may describe it as a light in your eyes, a shine on your face, or a halo above your head. That’s how people felt about Jesus, our Perfect Pattern. The woman who had an issue of blood realized that making a connection with Jesus would make a difference in her life (Mark 5:25-34). Although she exhausted her financial resources in seeking medical attention, hearing about Jesus gave her hope for healing. She did not feel that prayer from Jesus or conversation with him was necessary for her to be whole. She was clear that all she needed to do was be in his presence close enough to touch h...

O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth

O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth “Jesus answered and said, I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you hid these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes (Matthew 11:25).” Jesus, our Wayshower, began his prayer with thanksgiving, and then he acknowledged the Lord of heaven and earth as his Father. With God as his Father, he knew that he was one with the Omniscience, the all-knowing Source of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. When you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, God as your Father, you open the door to receive insight beyond your human limitations. In this prayer, Jesus was not comparing himself to others. He was coming into the realization that when he operated in his ego by being wise in his own eyes and prudent according to the world’s standards, that he was blind to God’s revelation for him. Jesus understood that when he humbled himself as a babe, he was able to operate in the mind of Christ and see with his spiritua...

No Comparisons

No Comparisons “Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican (Luke 18:10).” To help his disciples understand the difference between traditional praying and Kingdom praying, Jesus, who represents the Christ consciousness, told them a parable about a Pharisee and a publican (Luke 18:9-14). The Pharisee, a devout Jew, spent his entire conversation with God comparing himself to other people. He thanked God that he wasn’t like people who were adulterers, unjust, extortionists, or publicans. He reminded God of all the Prayer Tools that he used, such as paying tithes and fasting twice a week. The publican, who considered himself a sinner, did not compare himself to anyone. He focused his prayer on God and asked for mercy because he knew there was room for improvement in his thoughts, words, and deeds. Jesus ended the teaching by asking the disciples what they thought about the two prayers. They concluded that the publican was more effective in prayer. ...

Prayer & Parenting

P rayer & Parenting “Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray and the disciples rebuked them (Matthew 19:13).” Jesus, the perfect pattern, not only prayed with and for adults, but he also laid hands and prayed for the children. The disciples did not think that this was the best use of his time, so they rebuked him. Can you imagine the disciples chastising Jesus for praying with children? How often do we overlook our young people or feel that spirituality is not essential for their holistic growth and development? Just as Jesus taught his disciples to pray, I taught my children how to pray using the Prayer Tools of fasting, thanksgiving, praise, and worship. During one of the Lenten Season Consecrations, I decided it was important for us to do it as a family. I felt my children were old enough to understand the purpose of fasting. Since they were going to be impacted by the foods and beverages that were purchased and prepared i...

Prayer & Fasting

Prayer & Fasting “This kind only comes out by fasting and prayer (Matthew 17:21).” In Matthew 17:14-21, Jesus, our example of what it means to be fully human and fully Divine, encountered a young man who appeared to be a lunatic. The young man often cut himself and had fits of rage. He was suicidal and made several attempts to drown and burn himself to death. While his friends and family loved him, they did not have the consciousness to help him; therefore, he lived in the tombs by himself. One of the family members decided to bring the young man to the disciples for healing. They, too, were unsuccessful in healing the young man. Finally, they brought the young man to Jesus, who restored the young man to sanity. Privately, the disciples asked Jesus the reason why he was able to help the young man when they were not. Jesus credited his ability to cast out negativity to fasting and prayer and encouraged his disciples to do the same. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his discip...