Teamwork & Patnership

 “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).”

Denial – I release and I let go of any erroneous ideas, limited beliefs, or faulty perceptions about partnership.

Affirmation – I work well with others. I AM a team player. 

In the 1000’s, there was a one energy in the universe. The focus was on individuality, doing things for yourself and doing things alone. The calendar changed to the 2000’s, the energy shifted and now the focus is on partnership, networking, and collaboration. Restaurants and various other companies have merged and learned to share marketing costs and physical space. There has been a rise in coaches for healthy eating, exercise, relationships, and any other goal that a person desires to accomplish. 

In a team, each teammate has a specific role. Every person cannot do the same function. Even in the movement that is happening now, everyone cannot protest in the streets. Some need to write new policies and procedures and publish the message. Others need to meet with the leaders to discuss and incorporate the strategic change. 

Jesus, as Wayshower, sent his disciples out to do the work of ministry in teams of two (Mark 6:7-13). Peter and John are an example of a powerful ministry team (Acts 3:1-26). Peter, who represents faith, and John, who represents love, demonstrated remarkable results working together. Peter’s role in the team was the spokesperson and John was the supportive and prayerful partner.  Together, they continued the work that Jesus began through preaching, teaching, and performing miracles.

Teamwork may be one of the major ways that you are called to be a Wayshower. It is possible that the best way that you demonstrate the power and presence of God is through working in partnership with others.  There are a variety of ways that the divine idea of teamwork may manifest in your life: a marriage, a romantic partnership, family, business networking, ministry collaboration or even community development. There is a great benefit in spending time alone and doing things independently of others. There is also something that is gained by working with others that you do not receive when working alone. The healthiest place is a place of balance where you can work alone as well as with others.

Reflection Question – Describe your strengths and challenges as it relates to working with a partner.


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