Shake It Off: Overcoming Fear, Negativity, and Spiritual Attacks (Acts 28:5)

"But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects." – Acts 28:5 KSB

    From the very beginning, in Genesis 1, God gave us dominion over the fish of the sea. We have authority over all sea creatures—sharks, whales, and everything that moves in the water. However, when we do not recognize our authority, we fear what we were meant to rule.

    We also have dominion over the birds of the air. We do not need to be afraid of what flies around us because we have been given authority. Additionally, we have dominion over the animals and everything that creeps on the earth. When we understand our power and authority, we do not have to live in fear—we can shake it off.

    Paul understood his power, not only through creation but also through Christ. Jesus said, “These signs shall follow them that believe: in My name… if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will take up serpents, and they will recover.” Paul knew his authority. He was able to shake off the snake because he knew who he was by creation and who he was in Christ.

    We shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. When you know your power and authority, you can shake the snake off. Whatever is holding you back—shake it off. Whatever is slowing you down—shake it off.

Biblical scene of Apostle Paul shaking off a venomous snake into a fire, symbolizing overcoming fear, spiritual authority, and divine protection (Acts 28:5).
Shake off the guilt, shame, and condemnation—shake it off.

Shake off the bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness—shake it off.

Shake off the jealousy, envy, and strife—shake it off.

Shake off the malice, hatred, disappointment, and frustration—shake it off.

Shake off the abuse and neglect you have experienced—shake it off.

    If you hold on to these burdens, they will manifest as sickness, pain, disease, discomfort, and dysfunction in your body. You must shake them off. Shake off those who have rejected you—just as you would shake the dust off your feet.

Shake it off—you cannot afford to hold it in your mind.
Shake it off—you cannot afford to keep it in your heart.
Shake it off—you cannot keep talking about it.

    Release and let go of all that is old, worn, obsolete, and no longer serves you well. You have the power to shake it off. You have the authority and dominion to release it and let it go. It has hindered you long enough—shake it off. It has stopped you long enough—shake it off. That anger has held you back for too long—shake it off.

A person shaking dust off their hands while walking away into the sunset, representing letting go of past burdens, spiritual freedom, and moving forward.    I invite you to rise to a higher place, and the only way to get there is by shaking off certain people, places, and things. Shake them off. Fear gives power to what holds you back. Whatever scares you—shake it off. Face that fear. Confront it, deal with it, and look at it head-on—shake it off.

Whatever is biting at you—shake it off.

Whatever is eating at you—shake it off.

Whatever is infecting you—shake it off.
Forgive yourself.

Whatever is adversely affecting you—shake it off.

Whatever has made you bitter, mean, or resentful—shake it off.

Whatever has filled you with negativity—shake it off. 

    In Acts 28, after the shipwreck, even though they survived on broken pieces, once they reached the shore, a snake attacked Paul. 

However, the snake had no effect on him—he simply shook it off into the fire. 

The fire represents the Holy Spirit, and the snake represents negativity. Whatever is negative in your life, shake it off. Shake it off into the fire of the Holy Spirit and let it burn, dissolve, and disintegrate. Instead of allowing it to destroy you, destroy it. Instead of letting it devour you, shake it off into the fire.

    Because Paul was not harmed by the snake, some thought he must be a god, while others believed he was a demon. But Paul knew his power. He understood the authority he had as God’s beloved offspring.

Shake It Off (Acts 28:5)

Whatever scares you—shake it off.
Whatever is biting you—shake it off.
Whatever is infecting you—shake it off.

📖 Reflection: What negative thoughts or experiences do you need to shake off today?

💡 Action Step: Identify one thought, emotion, or habit that’s keeping you stuck. Write it down, pray over it, and shake it off!


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