Are You a People Pleaser (Matthew 14:6) 

Who are you attempting to appease today? Some of us are people pleasers, living our entire lives pursuing the approval and validation of others, deriving pleasure from satisfying them. Alternatively, some of us live our lives aiming to satisfy only ourselves, disregarding others. As for me, I seek to please God. I strive to live my life with the ultimate goal of pleasing God. When my time on earth is done, I yearn for God to say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, and I will make you rule over many." I aim to please God to the extent that I hope God will say about me what was said about Jesus, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."


Perhaps you remember the story of Herodias's daughter. She danced in such a way before King Herod at a feast that he was so pleased with her that he offered, "What do you desire? I will give you anything up to half of my kingdom." She was uncertain of what to ask for, so she consulted with her mother. Her mother told her to request the head of John the Baptist on a platter, and the daughter returned to Herod and made that request. Although Herod did not wish to comply with her request, he felt he could not renege because of the decree and the edit he had given. Therefore, John the Baptist was beheaded.


Would you like to find yourself in a place where instead of asking God for what you desire, God is so pleased with you that God is the one asking you what you desire, like in the case of Solomon? God asked Solomon what he desired, and Solomon requested wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to lead God's people. God was so pleased with Solomon that God not only granted Solomon's request but also gave him the desires of his heart beyond what he had asked.


There exists a state of consciousness where God is so pleased with you that God blesses you immeasurably more than you could ever ask or think. God blesses you in such a way that takes your breath away and exceeds your expectations. The question is, who are you striving to please today? Are you seeking to achieve and maintain the approval and validation of people


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